What is an SSL certificate for?
If you have a website and sell products or services online, this is very important with SSL, this is a Secure Sockets Layer, i.e. a digital certificate used to establish an encrypted connection between the user’s computer, the browser and the website.
the An SSL certificate is required when you sell and because it provides a secure connection for your customers’ data, which is especially important when receiving credit card payments.
If you don’t know what an SSL certificate is, we’ll explain everything you need to know because it’s very important if you really want to sell on your website.
How to create an SSL connection
SSL creates a secure connectionis a browser invisible to the end user that uses three keys to create a single symmetric session key that then encrypts all data in transit.
It’s an information triangle, but it’s done in two steps, first server and browser encryption and asymmetric public key synchronization. The server then decrypts this key and encrypts all your data with the browser and is only used for one session.
In the event of a re-login, that is when your user logs back into your site, it creates a new key and starts the whole process, so every shopping session is unique.
SSL certificates associate the domain name, server name, and organization entity with its location.
An SSL certificate improves your site
Even if you’re selling the best products, without an SSL certificate users don’t trust enough to give out their information, so you’ll undoubtedly have less revenue than if you did.
After installing the certificate on the server, when you visit your site, the application log will switch from HTTP to HTTPs, where the S stands for security, and you have that lovely green padlock confirming that your site is indeed trusted to make credit card transactions! and direct debit.
How to buy an SSL certificate?
SSL certificates are issued by a trusted certificate authority and generally authorized by server owners. So if you buy hosting on a plan that includes this certificate, it’s included, so when you buy the service, you won’t have to worry about anything else.
Keys are continuously saved automatically, so you have high security in all your transactions. They are really extremely easy to get and they also give you a very good trust so your data can be safe as well.
It is important that you check the date SSL certificates They expire because you have to renew them, and if you buy them with a hosting rental, it’s very easy because every time the contract expires, they’ll send you a reminder so you’ll always be up to date.